Delivering inclusive and relationship-based opportunities focused on wellness, skill development, and leadership.
All youth have access to programs and resources, empowering them to thrive and positively impact their community.
Our motto serves as a reflection of
the phases of our service delivery. We
start by first seeking to inspire youth
towards positive personal
development. Then, our efforts
refocus towards empowering young
people to believe that they have the
potential to achieve remarkable
feats. All of which leads to positive
transformative change, both in the
youth we serve, and in the
communities they live in.
We seek to always express unconditional love to all youth regardless of their circumstances.
We seek to provide a diverse array of supports to ensure youth are equipped to achieve personal wellness.
We seek to constantly encourage youth through life's challenges, en route towards personal wellness.
We seek to safely and positively challenge youth in hopes to build resiliency and overall growth.
We seek to instil positive transformational change in the lives of young people, who in turn will help transform their communities and the world.
Youth Rising Above needs your support to keep offering essential youth development programs! We're working to raise $5,000 by the end of 2024 to continue providing inclusive, relationship-based opportunities that foster wellness, leadership, and skill development. Every dollar makes a difference, and we're running out of time!
Donate today and be part of our mission! You're contribution isn't just life-changing for youth - it's also tax-deductible.
Let's bridge the gap together! Your support will help us stay strong in the year ahead.
Spread the word, and donate to empower tomorrow's leaders!